Tuesday, March 10, 2009

she's got her own thing...that's why I love her

ok ok. so that's a line from ne-yo. don't judge. i call my musical tastes um...eclectic. i've just had that song in my head for a few days now and always stumble when i try to come up with titles. i guess as corny and pop driven as that song is it completely translates to 'why i love her'. i always tend to gaze in admiration at how independent she can be. i've realized, i love a person with layers. their ability to be their own person yet allow themselves to be vulnerable at times - hotness.

i've fallen in love with this weather. maybe it's the longing to be a west coaster coming back out but i feel 'healthy' in this warm, no humidity, type of weather. i grabbed my road bike and tooled around the neighborhood yesterday afternoon and it felt good. just being outdoors and taking a breath of fresh air is always a good thing for me.

i seem to be counting the days/hours/minutes till we leave for the trip. it's so close. i always get giddy when traveling internationally. some odd excitement about an adventure. plus, it's my homeland! i've spent my entire life in rva that i hardly have any concept of my heritage. i want to immerse in the culture, learn and see everything i can while i'm there. traveling to the resort on Palawan has limited our ability to pack comfortably. so, it's one duffle and one back pack made of parachute material for easy carrying. that's it. go ahead: google 'El Nido' or 'Palawan' and be jealous.

this unbelievably beautiful weather has also got me jones'n some water play.
i promised myself this would be the summer i take up 'paddle surfing'.
thankfully the usual family vacation in avon will occur again this summer to give me some time to learn it. now it's just fitting a 12ft paddle board on the top of the mazda or the volvo - hmm. the girl and i talked about one day going back to our redneck roots and buying an old bronco or land cruiser for the beach, camping, the future kids and such. kids? yeah, one day i hope. maybe it's my age or the stability and happiness of my relationship but i think i could be a mom. a not so normal mom but a mom nonetheless. so what if my kid has a mo-hawk, leather bracelets, lacoste polos, cargos and chuck taylors.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

always keeps me daydreaming

i just came from purchasing eyeglasses and spending a butt load of money. i always have buyer's remorse when making big purchases like that when i'd rather spend the money on travel. oh, my priorities. so it is in the home stretch of the trip back to the 'homeland' and we're getting excited with everyday that passes and every piece of travel accessory we purchase. not only do i get to finally see where my parents were born and grew up but i also get to experience my own private island at the eco-resort on the island of Miniloc. i promise to write and take lots of pics to document the travels.

things have been busy - as they always seem to be in my life. often times i have to apologize to my partner for how jam packed my calendar can be. alas, it's all good things and there's a part of me that secretly enjoys being on the 'go' and doing things. sometimes i think its good because those times we have to slow down and do absolutely nothing we tend to cherish more than the average person.

oh how i would enjoy a glass of wine right now. just been one of those days. speaking of wine, a bunch of us attended the wine expo this past weekend. felt like i was 'expo-ing' it all day since i went to the kid's expo for some research for work then the 'adult' expo to enjoy some vino. wine was plentiful and good company was at hand so we had fun. i've made it a rule of mine to no longer mix alcohol - it hurts too much.

she and i have been tossing this idea around about spain in the fall along with a few local east coast trips this year. always keeps me daydreaming. just wish we could both have more time off of work. a dream of ours being that we take a 'leave of absence' and trek the globe for a few months maybe a year. yeah...government jobs don't allow too much of that.