Wednesday, April 22, 2009

sweet like candy to my soul

so, unfortunately it took me in another city to have the time to write about the past month or so that i've lost on this blog. again life seems to be so busy.

here i am - in Boston. jenn has some big schmoozy conference to attend and i've been fortunate to tag along to sleep in the uber posh hotel and aimlessly wander around the city. the hotel is perfectly placed in Copley Square near Newberry Street and a copious amount of other popular touristy sites. although i'm resisting the urge to break her free from the confines of the convention hall and continue our traveling adventure together. we have adventures and i like it. i don't think i've been on a single trip with that girl and had a horrible time. even with the baltimore break in - we were still in good spirits shrugging our shoulders and saying 'oh well, it happened'.

ok so the Philippines trip. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! i've never been so culture shocked (ironic how it's considered 'my' culture.) i will never regret that trip with the most important people in my life. to share that experience of my parents being 'balikbayan' (translation* those Filipinos that have left the country and returned to visit) and watching their eyes absorb what their 'homeland' has become in comparison to what they remembered. the day my parents pass i know i'll have regrets - but sharing that with them and jenn...together, filled a void for me. i truly felt like a family. i mean, when your parents tell your significant other to call them 'mom and dad' i'm thinking it's a big step. they love her. i love that.

alright so back to the trip itself. we visited so many different parts of the Philippines that really gave us a 'sampler platter' of the Filipino culture. oddly i felt at home. i think it was the ability to translate EVERYTHING that was said. i mean the locals were talking to me like i had belonged.
while i enjoyed seeing my parent's past and the city of Manila my favorite part of the trip had to be Miniloc Island off the main island of Palawan. i mean, ladies and gents i treked to Santorini, Greece and this island surpasses even the Medittareanean. the natural beauty of the land - completely untouched - made me proud to be a filipino. i guess it was the realization that my culture wasn't just a poverty stricken, dirty, congested city with tight security due to terrorist attacks. i left the island very honored to be 'an island person' ;)

both she and i could've spent weeks on Palawan. i really wish my parents went with us but then again it was kind of a nice getaway for us. boy, did we have fun. snorkeling in the most amazing reefs, seeing fish i don't think i will ever see again, swimming with jack fish the size of me, kayaking in the big and small lagoons, pinicing on banana leaves on some island, hiking through tropical forests, seeing wild monkeys and most importantly sharing it all with her.

i could go on and on about the beauty and the experiences of the trip but words wouldn't do it justice. so go here: and check it out.

so - in a few weeks i turn 26 and can honestly say up till this age i have lived my life to the fullest and i will continue to till i pass. i have seen so much that i wouldn't trade for the world. i don't know where i'll be by the next birthday but wherever i am i hope i can say the same for 27. there are so many material things in this world that i want but honestly what i need i have - all of it and it feels damn good to no longer have the need to search for more. i've never experienced this level of content. everything is so....healthy.

there's been so much that's happening, happened and going to happen that i don't think i can fit it in one blog. i'm already in an ADD induced typing frenzy trying to mention all i can before i explore Boston so my apologies for the typos and hodge podge of words but the sun is shining and before it withers away i want to wander.

the morning coffee kids have gone there separate ways and i'm one of the only few left after the morning rush. i have some time to explore before i induldge in some Legal Seafood with my honey.

peace, love and boston beans...