Sunday, October 10, 2010

i've come to the conclusion that the only time i can dedicate to blogging is when i'm here at the beach house during the silence of the early morning hours surrounded by lazy dogs, sleeping wifey and jumbo cup o'joe. hello again. obviously things have not slowed at all but everything is good so i have minimal complaints.

the wedding weekend (labor day) was absolutely fantastic! it seems like the party that folks still talk about which is a clear indication it was one helluva party. the family started filtering in on friday, saturday we had the fiesta hosting about 60 or so of our fam and friends at our house, then of course our formal wedding reception on sunday at the boathouse. i never really knew my family could party the way they did which was fun to watch. jello shooters magically appeared at the fiesta and were consumed by my family (of which included my SISTERS...yeah you heard it right my SISTERS). hehe. so weird. even my rents have taken up drinking. pops is a fan of beer and mama now enjoys a glass of red vino here and there. everyone got along so well it was awesome. it was surely a weekend full of celebrating and damn did we celebrate!
so from there we find ourselves here. about to embark on our adventure together. it's always been an adventure but now its getting down to being a true family and boy i can't wait :)
our adventures will also take us on a much needed honeymoon. in a few weeks we depart the states and find ourselves in barcelona, spain for some time then train it along the french riviera to nice, france. consider it our last hoorah till we settle down. it's going to be amazing.

so in the midst of all this happy happy joy joy stuff there's also a full time event job AND music career. things have been taking off beautifully with the music thing. people actually want me to play places - it's been a while since that's happened. the EP is almost done recording and it's going to sound awesome. now it's just getting over my nerves for the show next weekend. next weekend i get to play on a stage that i've always wanted to play on - the national. fingers crossed i don't suck.

well, it's getting down to the point of a necessary coffee refill.
till next time.

peace, love and beautiful fall weather at the beach.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

pure awesomeness

so i sit...content. awaking to the sun and breeze of the beach. sitting, watching HGTV sipping a cup of my favorite kona coffee, ears waterlogged from bodyboarding and surfing, relaxed and...content. this is the first of many mini vacations we have here at the shack and boy it's a beautiful thing. it's been nothing but perfect and completely needed. even the dogs are vacationing well - who knew dogs could vacation with a daily life of sleeping, eating and drinking? friday night we saw one of the best and most fun concerts in a longggg time. jack johnson played at the amphitheater along with G. Love and ALO. just sitting there with my girl, kicking back, listening to great music, drinking expensive beer all after a day of relaxing on the beach. truly gorgeous. yesterday (saturday) was the 'lazy' day. i slept till 10 (which hasn't happened in years), we moped around the house with the pups then went to the beach late in the day to swim a bit, share a bottle of vino and go for some fun bodyboarding. pure awesomeness.

it's like the stress gods are finally leaving me alone for the first time in a long time. don't get me wrong, i love my life - it's just filled and it's filled with all good things. on top of the rest i've put back being a musician again. but i have to admit i like it. i'm booking shows again, practicing regularly again and writing music again. nice.

the wedding festivities are coming along nicely. surprisingly EVERYONE with the exception of a handful of people are coming to our reception in sept. it's an honor. i mean, people from the west coast are even making the trip to celebrate with us. it'll truly be a family reunion and that's pretty darn cool.

to be honest i like these mini vacations compared to weeks at a time. next week we get to take the kids for another long weekend here at the shack. i get to go fishing with my nephew, teach them to surf and go longboarding in the streets of the north end. my kids are getting into longboarding - how cool? they now have their own boards. i can't wait to have kids. weird transition i know but its been something that's been on my mind... a lot. i always think about how great of a mom the missus will be. how our connectedness and chill demeanor will (hopefully) make our kids laid back easy going folks who will make a difference in this world. that's what love is. it's feeling so confident that you and your partner are good people separate AND together that you want to pass that on to your kids. believing so much in she who brings out the best in me and us who strive to be the best we can be together - that's a big deal.

the older i get the more i realize how damaged i am. and the older i get the more i can recognize that and am ok with getting help. this being the only fear for me having kids. it's so scary to reflect on your familial relations, childhood, tweener years, disastrous teen existence to college questioning and feel like all of that makes you the adult that you are. it's like you have to work your hardest at 'correctly' raising your kids to become conscious, level headed, good hearted individuals. and geez that sounds like quite a task. but even with all that pressure... i'm ready.

obviously i awoke a tad philosophical this morning. didn't mean to get that deep but hey that shit happens. well yesterday we were invited by our va beach neighbors for brunch today. how sweet? so we do that in the a.m. then beach it for the day then GUSTER! at the amphitheater. they're opening for john mayer and i scored tickets for only $10 so...we watch guster, maybe a song or two of mayer then skedaddle to the boardwalk to watch fireworks. sounds like another perfect day to me.

be good blogosphere friends.

hang ten...

Monday, March 8, 2010

a loose end i've been meaning to mend

we just got back from a quick weekend trip to the shack at the beach. every time we go there we never want to leave. there's something about that place that is peaceful, relaxing and...comfortable. i bet it's not long till we jump this rva ship and move to the beach. even the dogs seem more relaxed and lazy from being there.

the shamrock 8k is two weeks away. we ran the course yesterday to get acquainted with it. who knew I could run five miles? or would ever? alas, i did it. even through all the jokingly complaints i do feel tremendously healthy. between the running every other day, eating right and yoga - i'm no longer feeling pathetic ;) i've moved from gentle to vinyasa yoga which is actually starting to make me have muscles. who knew that would happen too? hehe. maybe it will lend to an easier transition to surfing regularly. which i hope will happen this summer.
it's almost a loose end that i've been meaning to mend. i started to get into it when i was in middle and high school and stopped when i started college.

this weather is beautiful. finally away from snow chances and dreary depressing skies.
warm weather makes you want to do more - hiking, biking, walking, golfing, laying in the park, all of the above. another reason it becomes more difficult to leave the beach.

so we ordered our wedding rings. every thought that crosses my head about marrying her just makes me smile. this union is simple. lacking the need to go all out and follow traditional wedding guidelines. just a want to commit to one another (even if its not legal in this state) and share our love with family and friends. i like this so much better.

well, i've let go of thinking i can recap EVERYTHING that happens on here because there's so much that even my mind can't keep up. till next time...