Monday, March 8, 2010

a loose end i've been meaning to mend

we just got back from a quick weekend trip to the shack at the beach. every time we go there we never want to leave. there's something about that place that is peaceful, relaxing and...comfortable. i bet it's not long till we jump this rva ship and move to the beach. even the dogs seem more relaxed and lazy from being there.

the shamrock 8k is two weeks away. we ran the course yesterday to get acquainted with it. who knew I could run five miles? or would ever? alas, i did it. even through all the jokingly complaints i do feel tremendously healthy. between the running every other day, eating right and yoga - i'm no longer feeling pathetic ;) i've moved from gentle to vinyasa yoga which is actually starting to make me have muscles. who knew that would happen too? hehe. maybe it will lend to an easier transition to surfing regularly. which i hope will happen this summer.
it's almost a loose end that i've been meaning to mend. i started to get into it when i was in middle and high school and stopped when i started college.

this weather is beautiful. finally away from snow chances and dreary depressing skies.
warm weather makes you want to do more - hiking, biking, walking, golfing, laying in the park, all of the above. another reason it becomes more difficult to leave the beach.

so we ordered our wedding rings. every thought that crosses my head about marrying her just makes me smile. this union is simple. lacking the need to go all out and follow traditional wedding guidelines. just a want to commit to one another (even if its not legal in this state) and share our love with family and friends. i like this so much better.

well, i've let go of thinking i can recap EVERYTHING that happens on here because there's so much that even my mind can't keep up. till next time...