Sunday, October 10, 2010

i've come to the conclusion that the only time i can dedicate to blogging is when i'm here at the beach house during the silence of the early morning hours surrounded by lazy dogs, sleeping wifey and jumbo cup o'joe. hello again. obviously things have not slowed at all but everything is good so i have minimal complaints.

the wedding weekend (labor day) was absolutely fantastic! it seems like the party that folks still talk about which is a clear indication it was one helluva party. the family started filtering in on friday, saturday we had the fiesta hosting about 60 or so of our fam and friends at our house, then of course our formal wedding reception on sunday at the boathouse. i never really knew my family could party the way they did which was fun to watch. jello shooters magically appeared at the fiesta and were consumed by my family (of which included my SISTERS...yeah you heard it right my SISTERS). hehe. so weird. even my rents have taken up drinking. pops is a fan of beer and mama now enjoys a glass of red vino here and there. everyone got along so well it was awesome. it was surely a weekend full of celebrating and damn did we celebrate!
so from there we find ourselves here. about to embark on our adventure together. it's always been an adventure but now its getting down to being a true family and boy i can't wait :)
our adventures will also take us on a much needed honeymoon. in a few weeks we depart the states and find ourselves in barcelona, spain for some time then train it along the french riviera to nice, france. consider it our last hoorah till we settle down. it's going to be amazing.

so in the midst of all this happy happy joy joy stuff there's also a full time event job AND music career. things have been taking off beautifully with the music thing. people actually want me to play places - it's been a while since that's happened. the EP is almost done recording and it's going to sound awesome. now it's just getting over my nerves for the show next weekend. next weekend i get to play on a stage that i've always wanted to play on - the national. fingers crossed i don't suck.

well, it's getting down to the point of a necessary coffee refill.
till next time.

peace, love and beautiful fall weather at the beach.