Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hugs and kisses through mail

i received this uber cool e-mail from my mom today. the girl and i sent her flowers for valentine's day (yes, i'm a sap) and she wrote me the most beautiful letter that almost left me in tears. it's the most amazing thing to have such supportive parents that are thankful for their daughter and uh...daughter-in-law. it's a damn good feeling.

then, one of my fave cousins (who has spent the last few months trekking the 'motherland' aka the Philippines) sent me an e-mail that kept me up to date on her international adventure. i've always admired her for her ability to 'supertramp' across the globe and leave this hum drum of a life on the east coast.

anyway, it was day full of hugs and kisses through mail. if i went into greater detail about other sappy e-mails and ecards you might vomit on yourself so - i'll spare you that much.

so it seems 2009 is the year of travel for me. almost as if trips are popping up every which way. lord knows, i'm not complaining just interesting how fate has these things planned and they all seem to fall into place. like where you find yourself now and how the past seems almost like a dream. realizing you are that same person just life has been injected with different people and different experiences and (if you're lucky) injected with massive amounts of happiness. often times i hate being so introspective and hate my ability to analyze and the fred savage 'wonder year's' narrative that goes on in my head. but without it i wouldn't wallow...or rather 'savor' all
the big and little pieces of life.

savoring makes for good songs, poems and stories for the kiddies.

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