Sunday, June 7, 2009

do you ever take a moment and reflect on exactly how old you are and how far you've come in life? i mean, wow. i'm 26 but still feel like that gitty 12 year old kid. i realize that's an odd way to begin a post but it's so true. 

anyway, i guess i'm doing things that i hardly ever thought i'd be doing and it's freak'n amazing. 
so, we're looking into beach houses. we've both always wanted it and how cool would it be to get a house together that we could make our own? we've found a surf shack in va beach that is ideal and perfectly placed. it's a block from the beach ;) yowza. it's literally a surf cottage that needs some minor work but an old school cottage that is adorable. eh, we'll see what happens. fingers crossed...

per usual life is busy. that brandi carlile show was a blast! i heart her. she is such a talented musician and just being at the show was great. i really dig those concerts at lewis ginter. it was crazy we ended up...uh...kind of following brandi's tour car - made for a good story and good times. 

somewhere in there was a camping trip at the beach. then a weekend trip up to northern va so i could play a solo show at the herndon festival. we stayed at the westin in reston - hehe, that still makes me giggle. we had tons tons tons o fun. even with having the anxiety of playing a big solo show like that we had fun. she insisted we order breakfast in bed (which i've never done before). i felt like a rock star :) trendy hotel, impeccable service, green room at the festival...nice. 

right now we're in between parties - whew busy. maybe too much partying this weekend. friday night we were coaxed into hosting a mary kay party. oh my. it was fun as hell though. nothing like too much wine and make up. it was hilarious. i think the older i get the more 'black outs' happen when consuming too much alcohol. vaguely remembering what happened in the latter of the night and way more foggy than in the past. last night was the kicker's game with friends then ending the night dancing. that was interesting too - the dancing that is. i seem to have the drunkards gravitate towards me. it was like a meat market and so much that some chick bit me. weird. like literally bit me on my shoulder while completely invading my personal space. yikes. 

well my apologies for the delayed blog - life is just too busy. this week involves my show at the henrico theater then i'm totally looking forward to next weekend's camping trip at the beach. always a good time. we're becoming quite the campers :) i dig that.

signing off...

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